Monday, November 10, 2008


If one decided that they wanted fried chicken for dinner you had a lot of preparation to do before this occurred.

Since there was no refrigeration until about 1940, your chicken dinner was running around the barn yard. You had to go out and chase your chicken down, kill it. I won't go into all of that, but after that, you need a bucket of hot water to dip the chicken in. Then it came time to pluck all the feathers off. Some of the pin feathers were still left on the bird, so you had to light a newspaper and singe the remaining feathers. After this, came a really good scrubbing of the bird. Carrying water into the house to supply enough to get the bird really clean was no small task. After the outside of the bird was clean, one had to cut into the bird and remove all the insides, being really careful not to cut the Gall. This would make the chicken taste bad. The gizzard was saved after the lining was removed, as well as the liver. The chicken was ready to put in a frying pan when all the pieces were cut up.

I never did have this job to do, but sure saw a many a bird processed. Fried chicken was made only in July & August because the chickens were too big to fry after August. Then we made chicken and noodles, baked chicken, etc. Then of course there were all the other vegetables to pick, wash, look, stem, etc. for a good old fashioned Fried chicken dinner. Oh but it was all worth it when it got on the table!!!!

Wisdom of the day--God never puts you in the wrong place to serve him.

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