Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Horses were used solely on the farm prior to tractors. I can't remember when dad purchased his tractors, but it as probably in the late 30's. He ended up with 3 tractors to farm the land. He had 1 pair of mules, as well as the other horses, but after his bout with the mules, he sold them.

There were hogs, white faced hereferds (cattle), chickens, roosters, sheep, 2 dogs, galore of cats and kittens. We had a few ducks but they were quite messy. Of course, quite a few cows to milk. Calves, piglets and a few colts were born regularly and this made life interesting.

A house rule was that the animals stayed out of the house. This was a great idea, since there were so many animals that as children we would have carried into the house, if this rule wasn't in force. Of course, my mother would allow a orphaned sick small animal to nurse it back to health in a box behind the stove. We would have a menagerie of animals in the house if this rule had not been adhered to.

Our dog's name was called "Rudyscoot". He was a collie mix and was a beautiful dog. We had a wire terrior, also. Now as far as cats and kittens, we had them running around everywhere. On a farm there were lots of mice, etc for the cats to catch. Some of the kittens were wild and some we tamed as pets. I even had 7 pet chickens that would follow me around like I was their mother. I had a pet lamb named "Tootsie". She would eat out of your hand and would run to you when she saw you out and about.

Wisdom of the day--Why have toys when you can have the "real" stuffed animal to play with.

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