Monday, October 20, 2008


I thought it might be a "fun" thing to pick out a subject from my youth and tell about it on the blog. For instance--Making homemade butter. We today just go the grocery store and purchase our butter and don't think about what went into the process of it origin. I remember I was churning butter in a small churn (I still have this churn) when I was 5 years old.

Why I remember this so well is that it was storming outside and we were all in the family room around the stove. Dad was repairing some harness and I was churning this butter. All of a sudden, a crash so loud that it bolted us to attention. We looked out and dad said, "our barn is on fire!"

When he investigated it, it was the straw stack right behind the barn that was on fire. Our neighbor to the East of our home said she was at the kitchen window and saw a large ball of fire roll across the field and struck the strawstack. Dad had just gotten the horses in the barn, that was huddled around the strawstack, otherside they would have been killed.

Well to get back to the butter making. You first had to milk the cow (I never did this), then you brought it into the house and seperated the milk. This machine was called a seperator. You poured the milk in the container above and you turned the handle to build up speed to seperate the milk from the cream. After this, came the washing of the machine, and it had so many parts to it and it had to be torn apart to clean each part. There were 2 spouts coming from the machine. One spout for the skim milk and the other was PURE CREAM.

After you had enough cream you put it in a churn . We had a huge churn (about foot 1/2 wide X 1 1/2 deep) and the other was a hand churn I was using the day the straw stack caught fire.
After you turned the handle on the churn the cream seperated into chunks of butter and buttermilk (whey from the cream). Then you would take this out and wash the butter so there wasn't any buttermilk on the butter, salt it and put it in a mold. There you had it!!! Homemade butter!!! Boy did that taste good on toast. I will try to tell you at another time, more of what it was like when I was a child.

The wisdom for the day is--We influence future generations by living for Christ today.


The Redouteys said...

Hi Grandma! It was great to see you this weekend. Finally got our internet working again, so I checked your blog for the first time. Thanks for sharing!

Reba said...

I'm reading Grandma! I love to hear your stories. Keep posting!

Growing my later days! said...

Yes, I am reading your blogs and enjoy your stories. I am glad you are writing this old stories down to print! Thanks.

Unknown said...

Hey, it's your nephew's son here! I'm reading!