Saturday, October 25, 2008


We didn't have it. We got it when I was in 8th grade. My sister said that we didn't have it at all while she was at home, so it was when I was in the 8th grade.

The first appliance we purchased was a refrigerator. What utter joy!!!! We could not refrigerate any left over food and the only means of keeping it cooler was place things in a crock in the water trough by the pump. Water went through the trough to fill the tanks across the road and by the barn. The trough was housed in a tiny building built to hold the trough. Radio was run by battery and we had to conserve on that, because our battery would run down. No electric iron, stove, sweeper or anything like that. When we got electricity and got a refrigerator we made ice cream almost on a daily basis using a powdered mix. Then you had to stir it while it was freezing. We thought we were really living it up!!!

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