Wednesday, July 20, 2011


This past year hasn't been a pleasant experience. After 5 trips and 5 hospital stays, I found out what my problem was. Each time I went in to ER I had the same symptoms. During the day I felt great, other than I had developed an urinary infection. Each time I was prescribed antibiotics to get over the infection. Unbeknown to me or any of the doctors, I was allergic to these pills. These particular strains of antibiotic are "WICKED". I would not recommend taking these under any circumstance. It makes one think they are having a heart attack. Chest hurts, hoarseness, fever, glands swell up, fever and totally sick. After going through all the heart related tests, I was keenly aware that this wasn't what my problem was. Finally, the last trip, I was told by the Urologists nurse that I was allergic to the medicine. I thought, if I was allergic that day, I was allergic each time I would take the antibiotic. All the dots lined up and after checking with the pharmacy records, each day I purchased this antibiotic, I would enter ER a couple hours later.

Macro bid comes in different names, but basically the same medicine. I am putting this on my blog so others will be aware of the hazards. Keep records of your medicines that you take and the effects they have.

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