Monday, December 28, 2009


This has been a busy month for me as I have copied all the stories out and put them in a binder to give a copy of each to our grandchildren. What a job that was. I didn't realize that I had written so many and to copy off that many copies took most of the month. They are all bound and there were 2 volumes of stories. Whoa! Of course they covered over six generations, so there would be a lot of memories.

The cover page that I wrote was as follows: I suppose there is a way to copy and paste but haven't learned all those little details yet.


When I first started out in writing a blog, I had no idea what I was going
to write about. I had asked Carol to help me set this up so I could learn to
use the computer in a new way. She told me I had to have a title and it went
on from there. I wondered if it was a good idea to expose my entire life,
"warts and all" so others can read it. Then I realized how important it was
to write down my "memories".

I have often wondered what my grandparents thought when they came
over to this country, not knowing how to speak our language nor the culture
of a new land. What did my grandparents think when they took their entire
family in a covered wagon with 3 children under the age of three to homestead in
Nebraska in 1887? They were too busy to write these things down and we
will never know the complete details. I have a few snippets of their
thoughts, but if I don't write them down, they will be lost in this generation.

In the scripture Psalms 102:18 it states--"This shall be written for the
generation to come: and the people which shall be created shall praise the
Lord." In Joel 1:3 it states--"Tell your children of it, and let your children
tell their children, and their children another generation."

Just as the Israelites of long ago, told each generation of how God
worked in their behalf, we should do likewise.

I tried to write each story down as accurately as God gave me the
memory of what happened. We can always learn from our experiences (good
and bad) so we can see God's answer to our prayers, His provision, His
protection and guidance in our life.

My purpose in jotting these down is to help you as you read the stories,
laugh with me and perhaps shed a tear or two as I try to convey God's
awesome love for us.

Hopefully, you can see a pattern exposed as the years unfold in how God
was at work in details of our life. Some things we still don't understand but
someday on the other side we will see clearly. Enjoy reading my memories!
I love each and every one of you! Grandma

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